When I woke up this morning and looked out the window I couldn't believe the amount of snow that had fallen during the night!
It looked incredible and we are even more snowed in now!
I knew there was no way we were venturing out today and Chris had to work from home.
Yesterday, I got out my Canon DSLR and started taking pictures, today I did the same and forgot how much I loved it until I starting taking pictures again!
I got a little carried away and ended up taking over 250 pictures, I whittled it down to the best 27 or so and wanted to share some of them with you all in this post.
We spent the day in our pyjamas having fun, twice I put sienna down for a nap but she refused to sleep. After the third attempt I gave up and decided to build a fort for us to play in!
I pulled all the throws and cushions out of the hot press and got her teddies and books down. She didn't know what was going on at first but when I got down with her she absolutely loved it!
She still hasn't napped and it's coming up to bedtime now so hopefully she will go down early and myself and Chris can make dinner, pour a glass of wine and watch a movie in front of the fire.
I hope you are all having a lovely day and are staying safe and warm.
What did you get up to on your snow days? Leave a comment on Facebook or Insta!
I just want to finish this post by giving a shout out to all the people who have to work during this storm. I've seen so many pictures of nurses and doctors making beds on the floor so they can tend to their patients. Hats off to you all, it's very admirable.

Stay safe my loves & mind those furry babies too.
Love Grace xox